Additional hygiene measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, like mask wearing and hand sanitising , have led to an increase in reported dry skin conditions. With limited face-to-face appointments available in GP surgeries, many people are visiting pharmacies for advice about a range of dermatological problems.

To help pharmacists keep up to date, Zeroderma (Thornton & Ross) have supported the development of a series of webinars. These have been researched and written by dermatology expert Julie van Onselen, who will also be leading the webinars.

Each session is free  to attend and a link will be emailed after you’ve registered. The webinars last for 45 minutes with a Q&A session at the end.

Dry skin conditions and pharmacy – webinar series

Tuesday 10th November 6:30pm: ‘Emollients and Dry Skin Conditions’, a practical guide for pharmacy. NPA accredited.

Tuesday 8th December 6:30pm: ‘Virtual dermatology consultations’.

Find out more about managing skin conditions online. CPD accredited

To register your interest in these training events, click here
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