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Outstanding Contribution to
Pharmacy Practice

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This special accolade is presented to an individual, who, throughout their career and achievements, has clearly represented the richness, breadth and depth of Scottish pharmacy – and what it has to offer to primary care.

Whether this individual has enhanced the pharmacy profession and its position in the Scottish healthcare sector; helped to improve daily working practices for pharmacists, either through education, the introduction of new procedures, or by strengthening relations with policy makers and other health and social care networks; or in some other way improved the delivery of pharmaceutical care, their work will have enhanced Scottish pharmacy immeasurably.

The calibre of Scottish pharmacy was clearly evident at the Scottish Pharmacist Awards 2020, when the Outstanding Contribution to Pharmacy Practice accolade was awarded to the very worthy recipient, Fiona Reid.

Now retired, Fiona’s contribution to Scottish pharmacy was nothing short of stellar!

‘Some achievements of note,’ Professor Harry McQuillan said in his citation on the night, ‘include the fact that Fiona was the first pharmacist to practise as a prescriber in Scotland. She was also responsible for the design, development and implementation of the UK’s first pharmacist-led hypertension/cardiovascular risk management clinic and also secured first the funding of and the provision of the UK’s first pharmacist-led heart failure clinic designed and delivered within primary care. This development was highlighted in the Scottish Government’s Pharmacy Strategy – The Right Medicines in February 2002 and very much paved the way for our profession’s progression.’

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