A new website for Lanarkshire puts high-quality mental health self-help at people’s fingertips.
Lanarkshire Mind Matters has been produced by NHS Lanarkshire’s psychological services. It aims to link adults aged 18 and over to evidence-based mental health information, advice and help. This includes computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT), with quick access to four new self-referral modules:
- Space for Resilience;
- Space for Sleep;
- Space from Stress; and
- Space from Covid-19.
There are links to self-help for problems including anxiety, depression and panic, as well as free online courses and information about how to maintain mental and physical wellbeing.
Further resources are already being developed.
The website will continually evolve as part of a wider move to provide accessible online services during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
Clinical psychologist Dr Simon Stuart, who has led the development of Lanarkshire Mind Matters, said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on what all services are able to offer people. Even something as simple as visiting a health centre has become more challenging.
“NHS Lanarkshire’s psychological services were already exploring ways of improving access to resources. The pandemic has brought home how important this is.
“None of this is about replacing what we already do, rather, it is about adding to it. The plan is to keep developing the website as a way of providing high-quality information and self-help whenever people need it.
Dr Gary Tanner, director of psychological services for NHS Lanarkshire, said: “We are committed to developing a range of digital services and Lanarkshire Mind Matters is a key aspect of this.
“We are working on a range of new resources and will ensure that all GPs in Lanarkshire are kept up-to-date with what is available.”
Visit the site at: http://www.lanarkshiremindmatters.scot.nhs.uk