
Welcome to Drug Dependence CPD in Focus Module. Please review the brief synopsis of this module.

Click into the course content at the bottom of this page and on completion of a comprehensive review of the module there is the five minute test to complete.

On successful completion of this test you will receive your CPD certificate.

A downloadable pdf of this module is available to print off a file for your records.

Learning objectives

Having studied this CPD module, the pharmacist should be able to:

  • Understand the definition of dependence and associated terms
  • Appreciate the role neurotransmitters in the development of dependence
  • Outline the role of environment and social status in the risk of dependence and/or associated substance use disorders
  • List strategies for treating dependence


Dr Terry Maguire

Course Content

Lessons Status
Healthcare Professional ONLY
This website is intended for Healthcare professionals only

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