
Welcome to Infant Feeding CPD in Focus Module.
Please review the brief synopsis of this module.

Click into the course content at the bottom of this page and on completion of a comprehensive review of the module there is the five minute test to complete.
On successful completion of this test you will receive your CPD certificate.

A downloadable pdf of this module is available to print off a file for your records.


After completing this module you should:
• Be able to recognise and advise on common breastfeeding problems, and signpost
mothers to other HCPs as appropriate
• Revise the differences between the various types of infant formulae used in babies with
Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA)
• Revise the differences between CMPA and lactose intolerance in terms of incidence,
symptoms and types of formulae used
• Know which types of formulae have less of an evidence base to support their use

Written: February 2019


How should I feed my baby? Is breastfeeding difficult? And what about bottles, how will I know how much to feed or how often? And either way, how will I know my baby is getting enough?” All of these questions, and many more, will be running through the mind of every expectant parents. Especially so with first-time mums, but not exclusively, since occasionally the whole experience of infant feeding can be stressful and prompt questions of how to do things differently next time round. Young mothers can be frequent visitors to the pharmacy, and as such represent a great opportunity to build valuable relationships as well as bringing in repeat business that will long outlast the baby-feeding years.
There is no shortage of information out there for them, but there is still a need for some confident face-to-face advice to help alleviate worries and provide reassurance.
Whether a mum chooses to go with breast or bottle, our role is to be her advocate and support her in whatever choice she has made.

Course Content

Lessons Status
Healthcare Professional ONLY
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